Virtual Peanut Butter Drive Instructions

Step 1: Choose your Virtual Peanut Butter Drive participation type

Option 1: Individual


Option 2: Form a Team

  • Forming a team is a great way for individual fundraisers to band together and raise peanut butter funds as a group. Alternatively, forming a team is a great option for businesses with different departments/branches who can compete against one another. Once your team is formed, team members will be able to join as fundraisers.
  • Click here to view the Virtual Peanut Butter Drive Guide - Form a Team.


Option 3: Join a Team 


Option 4: Donate


Step 2: Registration and setting your goals

If you’d like to make the first donation to your Virtual Peanut Butter Drive, you are able to do so during the set up process. This is also where you will need to set your Virtual Peanut Butter Drive’s goal. Follow the registration steps and complete registration. If you choose to include a donation during the set up process you will be directed to a payment form.

Step 3: Participant Center

Once you have set up your Virtual Peanut Butter Drive and are logged in, you can manage your Virtual Peanut Butter Drive from your participant center. Here are the tools in your participant center:

  • Email: Spread the word about your Virtual Peanut Butter Drive. Send out emails (we’ve even included samples to get you started) to ask for donations and to thank your supporters. Don’t forget to read through the email template and fill in all customizable areas with your specific information before sending.
  • Tracking: Stay up to date with the progress of your drive and view donation history.
  • Personal Page: Make it your own! Add a logo or image and change the heading of your page. Write a short personal message to let everyone know why you are hosting a Virtual Peanut Butter Drive for NTFB.
  • Create a shortcut for your fundraising page: Shorten the link to your virtual peanut butter drive page to make it easier to share. Click on My Drive to access your participant center and find the Page URL section to set up your shortcut. Depending on your registration, you will have a Personal Page URL and could also have a Team Page and/or Company Page URL. We highly recommend this if you plan to post your Virtual Peanut Butter Drive on social media or in internal organizational newsletters/emails.