Virtual Peanut Butter Drive FAQs

  1. What is a Virtual Peanut Butter Drive?
    A virtual peanut butter drive allows you to donate peanut butter to the North Texas Food Bank without having to collect and deliver jars in person. Once you select specific nut butters for your shopping cart, NTFB is able to capitalize on our purchasing power to get into the hands of hungry children and families.

  2. What are the advantages of a Virtual Peanut Butter Drive?
    • Donating Peanut Butter virtually means you won't have to make a trip to the grocery store and carry heavy jars.
    • Making a difference is quick and easy, you can do it from the comfort of your own home.
    • You have the ability to form teams to donate even more. Gather your friends, family, or coworkers to work together, or compete!

  3. Do I have to create a team or be a team member to donate through the Virtual Peanut Butter Drive? 
    No, you can make a Virtual Peanut Butter Drive donation without being on a team. Donate here or find a drive to support a specific page.

  4. Can I donate through the Virtual Peanut Butter Drive without shopping?
    Yes. To donate through a Virtual Peanut Butter Drive without selecting items, click "Donate Without Shopping" on the page you wish to support.

  5. How can I make my Virtual Peanut Butter Drive successful?
    • Set a goal to work towards.
    • Share your Virtual Peanut Butter Drive on social media regularly.
    • If you are a team captain:
      • Host a kickoff event to get your team excited about your Virtual Peanut Butter Drive. Let your team know how NTFB helps your community by showing them an NTFB video or request a speaker from NTFB to attend.
      • Offer an incentive to your team if your goal is met.
      • Provide regular reminders and progress reports to your team members.
      • If you are a business, request matching contributions to your employer.
      • Create theme days such as "Peanut Butter Fridays".